Cumbrian Hills & Old Barn

Cumbrian Hills & Old Barn

You have captured the sometimes sombre moods of the region in the colours and tones Anne, my main comment is to loosen up a little and don't try and paint every stone and tile.

Thanks Derek. I know, I can't seem to stop wanting to get every detail down. I'll have to try harder not to do that.

You must have great patience've done some really lovely uneven stone work on the barn and I like the different colours in the stone too. It's hard to loosen up if detail is your mantra, I have hardships the other way round, I can't do detail.

I used to have the detail problem but not any more. I managed to take heed of crits and practice.

Thanks Derek and Fiona for your helpful comments, I really do appreciate them all. I think I need to work on texture too though as my roof seems a bit flat. I find it difficult with shading and even worse with perspective. I can't even draw a straight line with a ruler! Practise, practise, practise.

Hang on Studio Wall

Followed a tutorial from book 'How to Draw Anything' and decided to add colour with Derwent Inktense blocks and ink pen.

About the Artist
anne halliday

Lost my job as a bus driver this year due to excessive sleepiness so enjoying filling my time painting and drawing. I enjoy trying out different mediums from graphite pencil to oil pastels, watercolour, and more and am thoroughly enjoying myself. Partner getting a bit annoyed as my utility room,…

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