Last Catch of the Day


Lovely painting, lovely happy ending eventually Ann. May God smile on you. Have a happy and blessed Christmas.

Thank you very much, Jim. That’s very kind of you. I hope you have a lovely Christmas.

Ann, I admire your courage, positivity and most of all your faith. I’m sorry for your troubles, I feel humbled by your honesty..... you have reminded me how fortunate I am. I wish you peace and comfort for Christmas with a bright and happy Year ahead. A beautiful and serene painting Ann.

Thank you Fiona, beautiful and compassionate words as always. I hope you have a really happy Christmas with those you love. And keep those brilliant watercolours of yours coming!

Super Ann. sounds like you've had a very tough year .... I hope 2021 will be a better one for you

Thank you, Heather. I hope you have a happy day.

A delightful vision of serenity Ann.

Thank you, Alan. Let’s hope we all see some serenity in our lives in 2021.

Sometimes life deals out for us more than our fair share but some how we try to carry on. Here is a good and true representation of a scene by a true and dedicated artist. With all best wishes for the future

Thank you so much, John. I really appreciate your kind and thoughtful words.

This is a beautiful painting Ann and all the more poignant alongside the words you have shared with us.

Thank you very much, Diane.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour from imagination, using white gouache for highlights. 2020 has been life changing in not a good way for so many. Soon after my husband died from cancer, I found I had cancer too. But despite the pandemic, I was operated on and treated with speed, and I feel so lucky and blessed. Sometimes in life we find good things come out of bad. I hope so much that out of all the COVID nightmare and tragedies of 2020, there will be a new and greater love of life itself. Happy Christmas everyone.

About the Artist
Ann Cromack

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