Snow Storm: Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth

snow storm copy

All I can say Alan is wow it’s superb. I love the fact it watercolour it give me the chance to see a Turner style painting in my working medium. I can better understand how it has been created , not that I don’t like or understand oils.

Like your interpretation Alan, it has such life and excitement in it

I have got a couple of Tate 'how to paint like Turner' type books and it is not easy!! This is a great rendition of one of my favourite paintings.

Great movement and love the palette- makes me feel a cold North Sea….

Lovely interpretation

Lively interpretation, Alan. I especially like that turquoisey blue.

Great overall effect Alan. Love the loose style.


Very impressed Alan.

A fairly good painting but lacks power

Thanks guys, appreciated! This was literally a five minute wet in wet sketch, done as an exercise for my own research for a forthcoming feature in The Artist - lacks a lot but definitely not power!

Superbly executed Alan - I love the movement you’ve captured

Turners enigmatic style is probably one of the most difficult to research and understand Alan, you’ve set yourself a mammoth task, I admire your tenacity! So many variables in his wet in wet washes and tonal counter changes. I like your exercise in watercolour, it has mood and subtle bleeding of colours and I especially like the strong accents of stronger colour.

I thought this scene looked familiar! Full of violent weather.

Hang on Studio Wall

The original work by Turner was painted in oils in 1842, and came under some criticism at the time. I thought that it might be an interesting exercise to have a shot at it in watercolour. Obviously I haven’t been able to get those deep tonal contrasts but a useful exercise nonetheless. This is my copy/interpretation of Turner’s masterpiece, using his stunning vision of a ship in a storm as my inspiration. Original Turner painting housed at Tate Britain. 1/4 imperial on Two Rivers 300lb NOT hand-made paper.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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