Wet Day on O’Connel Street.

Wet Day on O’Connel Street.

Love the scattered lights and murky background Alan. A far cry from sunny Spain eh?

They make a beautiful pair, Alan.

Love it, Alan.

Love the atmosphere and movement all around Daniel O' Connel, terrific painting Alan.

Wow, I love this, the blues with just a splash of colour in particular. You certainly make this lack of ' tight work and fiddling' look effortless Alan. Painting rapidly and expressively is something I really long to do but always end up overworking!

Excellent painting, Alan. The hazy background and splashes of red work a treat. When this is coupled with your superb use of light and shadow a wonderfully emotional painting emerges. There's life and movement in this. Bri

Love this Alan, has a really immediate energy...and absolutely lacking in any fiddling, which I've never noticed in any of your super work!

Caught the damp atmosphere well, the cars are simply painted, dwarfed by the huge buildings, has a feeling of movement.

Fantastic painting - echo everyone else's comments

Bags and bags of atmosphere Alan

I especially like the quality of light in the sky - tones as well as colours. Lovely.

A really lovely painting Alan, down to that gorgeous blue and the tiny splashes of colour.

Lovely monumental picture, Alan.

Thanks everyone for your super comments, always appreciated.

Great atmosphere, Alan.

What a good choice of colours for this great piece Alan. I love the blues and the touch of pinks, I'm sure the two paintings look great side-by-side.

Glad you posted this - it's lovely!

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on Canson board 35 x 35cm. One I completed a short while ago, but I thought it was worth posting as it’s on a similar theme to my last posting. Part of a series which were framed and displayed in sets, and which made quite an impact. Painted rapidly and expressively which does prevent any tight work and fiddling, something that I have a degree in!

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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