Dockland Impression - Testing my new boards.

Dockland Impression - Testing my new boards.

Looks good, Alan (even the canvas!) Its quite a lively piece there seems to be a lot of movement going on. Lovely painting.

I like it too! Great subject (I won’t let Jules see it) and if anyone can get the best out of the natural coloured canvas, it’s you Alan.

Super piece, canvas looks really exciting. Really love your loose style Alan. So evocative.

Great, Alan. I particularly like the energy in the water!

Love the loose use of paint works well on this board.

A good painting, Alan and lovely colours. I’m testing colours and style at the moment, but not getting to where I want to be.

Thanks all, appreciated. The canvas does come over a bit grainy in the photo, that's because it is grainy. However, for quick outdoor oil sketching this is ideal. I've painted this very thinly so the grain will show more and I could have got a bit more detail from it if I had wanted. (I think!).

Good lively scene there, Alan. I know this is a quick test, but it looks a great subject. You said the boards are very coarse, I can see the grain all over the painting, but I've just noticed I'm seeing it practically full size on my monitor.

I like this Alan , I love the feel of dockyard and cranes and busy . Nice Painting Alan

A busy scene expressively captured, can see the course grain of the canvass looks effective.

I love the colours you've used Alan. I'm using natural canvasses at the moment, I like them too, you've got the mid tone as soon as you start.

Brilliant Alan, I like your Derrick's, I've been struggling with a telegraph pole those boards have taken my interest. Thankyou for demo.

Beautiful colours and I like the immediacy without too much detail. I was interested to read your opinion of the boards too, the unpainted parts work well I think.

Worked well Alan, lovely to be pleased with a new support.

I love this, Alan.

Hang on Studio Wall

24 x 30cm Oil on Clairefontaine board. I was talking about these natural coloured boards yesterday on the forum, I hadn't tried them before. They are quite a bit coarser and have this beige natural colour (you can see this colour in the foreground where there are areas left unpainted. I like them!, particularly useful for plein air work where you want to cut out the detail. I'm stating the obvious, but this was a quick tester. They also save me colouring the canvas with my usual neutral colour wash prior to painting.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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