Sunset across Flooded Fields.

sunset floods ps

It’s a beauty Alan. Oh photographs exaggerate enormously these days.

I really love this Alan, superb colours. I turned to November on my POL calendar this a.m.and your beautiful painting 'First Frost, view from window' greeted me.

Thanks John and Carole. Yes I did also Carole, I’d completely forgotten about it.

Yet another out of the proverbial 'top drawer' Alan

So so beautiful Alan with this lovely smatterings of orangey reds.

So eye-catching - great sky and love the silhouetted trees.

Stunning Alan, those skies are fabulous

Superb again Alan great series these skies they're not easy but very hard to get like that

Absolutely beautiful Alan- the sky, The reflections, the silhouettes of the trees and the deep colours just set them all off.

Thanks everyone for some great comments, much appreciated.

Your landscapes are fabulous, Alan.

Great mood and colour - your brush work is confident and enlivens this painting. It is also very beautiful!

Love this Alan, with its strong tonal contrasts and that splash of red in the sky.

Thanks again, sunsets are always a challenge. They can so easily become chocolate box paintings.

Such wonderful colours and great composition - I love your work.

Nothing chocolate box about this stunning painting Al, it’s warm and wonderful.

Stunningly beautiful, Alan.....I just love everything about it!

Wow- this is fabulous!

Fabulous Alan. and like Carole, I'm enjoying your November issue of the POL calendar :)

Especially love the touches of warm colour in the sky and the reflections.

Hang on Studio Wall

40 x 50cm oil on board. Another rapid oil sketch painted from my studio window on Sunday evening. It’s one of several that I painted the same day, inspired by the flooded landscape. The dramatic evening sky just begged to be painted, albeit I’ve slightly exaggerated some colours, as is the norm with my work. One reason that I became an artist, not a photographer!

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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