Towards Weston Village – Under Flood.

weston floods ps

Another great work about skies Alan fabulous series

Another fantastic painting Alan 😀

This one is a superb painting, Alan, a great work full of atmosphere.

Love those rich blues and pinks in your skies and you have succeeded in portraying a very wet landscape so successfully Alan.

A taste of things to come perhaps. Typing this, I see only the lower half of the painting, in rectangular format - and it still works!

As someone who never paints outdoors, I find this astonishing. The sky is great, but on this one it's the flooded land that grabs my attention.

Thanks guys, always good to hear your feedback, so important to me! I’ll be demonstrating how I tackle a flooded landscape in watercolour this time, in stages as ever, in the January e-shot.

So, so good Alan! Fabulous darling.

Absolutely fabulous Alan

Great sky compliments the understated water and trees.

Absolutely brilliant a really nice painting, the wetlands looks great.

Punchy colours. Really stands out.

A brilliant sky Alan.

Well that’s so lovely of everyone, strange how these rapid sketches attract more comments than something that’s taken hours! Thanks all.

A lively painting of a beautiful scene Alan I can see the attraction of making several paintings on the day.

Fabulous, Alan! Hope the floods have receded now.

Lovely painting Alan . Great Sky.

Chances are you won't see this comment, Alan, but I just wanted to pop in to say how much I like this painting. It's an absolute stunner and one I could look at all day long. Top drawer! Bri

Thanks again to some of the later comments, what a response!

Quality and masterful use of paint - I really enjoy your loose but confident style and great use of colour Alan.

Love the big sky format - lovely painting, Alan

I hadn't known you'd had floods where you live, I hope your place was OK. We've had bad flooding in NZ but fortunately not ChCh. At least you've made some lovely paintings of the flooded landscape!

I like the drama sky on this one for sure, it did grab my attention straight away. Nice sketch, colours, view...

Hang on Studio Wall

40 x 50cm oil on board. A rapid oil sketch (devoid of detail), painted at the scene on Sunday morning after the deluge. It’s one of several that I painted the same day, inspired by the flooded landscape – in this instance the River Trent has burst its banks, the spire of Weston Church just visible on the horizon. The dramatic sky does help to add some spice to the composition, albeit I’ve slightly exaggerated it, and why not!

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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