FADED ROSE TAKE 3 still a W.I.P.

FADED ROSE TAKE 3    still a W.I.P.

I love the way your damp brush has given these lovely rich goldy orange tones. Am keen to see what happens next!

Thank you so much Sandra for your lovely comments

Hang on Studio Wall

FADED ROSE take 3 I took the plunge and added a damp brush, i am happy with this, but i know it still needs a lot of work, but definitely with proper coloured pencils.

About the Artist
Tao Barry

I started Painting in 2007, my favourites to paint ,- Botanicals-animals-Eagles and perhaps the odd challenge taking me out of my comfort zone. I also do a lot of Chinese Brush Painting in the GomgBi style on silk. this is meticulous and a very precise style of painting, when you draw your…

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