Santa I have been good (self portrait)

Santa I have been good (self portrait)

I love your pen and wash, and color style to this Jennifer. It would be fabulous as an illustration for a story.! Super!

Very good Jennifer, hope Santa responded appropriately.

Lovely portrait Jennifer can tell it is you :)

A nice lively portrait, Jennifer. Like Nancy, I love your pen and wash. I agree that self portraits are horribly difficult - yours looks pretty successful to me (none of mine have been posted - give you an idea of what they were like!!!)

Ohh he did sandra I was very spoilt thank you x Thank you Carole I just couldn't get the nose right ha ha it drove me mad in the end. Awww Margaret they are so hard arnt they, I think it's because you actually have to look at yourself. 😂😂

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour paint, micron pen, some glitter and liquid peal detailing. How hard is it to do a painting of yourself, I just couldn't get my nose right arrggghhh.

About the Artist
Jennifer Edwards

Art mad, crazy dog lady, from Manchester UK. for my Instagram if you want to follow me, as I post far more content on there.

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