Thames, Coromandel.

Thames, Coromandel.

Ready to set sail under a blue sky, lovely.

A Beauty Guy.

I love to see work from NZ. It reminds me of my many visits. Well done for adventuring into South Island. Your boat looks like the one I chartered from Half Moon Bay, Aukland. Very evocative for me.

Thanks Linda.. Did you live here? I Have a friend with a launch at Half Moon Bay... And another with a Yaght.. I will post tha watercolour of the yaght!!! I hope you like it?

Thank you Dennis, very kind..

Thank you Janet, the old boat had a for sale on it!!

Thank you so much David..

Hang on Studio Wall

About the Artist
Guy Marrett

I have been painting for over 50yrs. I live in Auckland and paint a lot of this wonderful country. I have many many painters I admire and frequently get emotional looking at some of their painting... Rothko, John Singer Sargent, Willem de Kooning.... Renoir, my list is vast. I continue to…

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