Guess who

Guess who

Is it hitler Dennis ,or harry its very good mate well done

Well the red hair is a bit of a giveaway but it is a really good likeness Dennis.

Agree with Christine, couldn't be anyone else but it is a great likeness!!

And you'll be standing by your phone, of course, awaiting the call from the Palace..... "Is that Mr Rynding? Queenie here.... I thought a little something of One with the corgis .... One would like an air of permanence, if you could contrive that? Something suggestive of one not giving up, ever, but going orn and orn - I could present it to Chazzer for his birthday, tee heee!" There goes the MBE ........

Couldn't be anybody else Dennis, the likeness is really good!

Lovely Robert you read one's mind. I am a bit like Delboy convinced I am royalty or maybe Rodney the artist

Thanks Debs I got carried away with Roberts remarks imaging Charles would offer me a house with studio in Cornwall

Lovely portrait Dennis

It's a really good portrait Dennis and on a serious note, as well as his actual face and hair, I like the way that you've painted his shirt, tie and jacket. All extremely well done!

Great portrait Dennis, new him straight away, not Blackadder?

Thanks and well done Carole

Absolutely superb, Dennis.The light and the palette are really lovely.

Fantastic likeness and indeed a very handsome young man. You brits are so good looking.

Posted on Sat 05 Aug 22:17:59
Hang on Studio Wall

After doing Kate I realised nobody had done this handsome guy. So Queen if you are looking we can arrange a price

About the Artist
Dennis Rounding

Born 1953 it was a good day for the world. BA Hons fine art then PGCE. Had two one man shows Huddersfield and Wakefield and Mirfield. Fell ill 25 years ago but now paint small scale. All for sale To cut a long story short when seventeen to twenty one worked twelve hour shifts at Chemicals grinding…

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