Synthetic or natural?

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Synthetic or natural?

Are synthetic brushes now a better option for achieving required results when using watercolour, compared to using natural brushes?


Ask Jacksons: Are synthetic brushes now a better option for achieving required results when using watercolour, compared to using natural brushes?


In recent years, brush-making technology has come on leaps and bounds, allowing brushes to closely imitate the paint-holding capacity, softness and spring of natural hair brushes. Synthetic brushes have their own advantages: they are often easier to look after, more affordable, more durable and are less likely to shed than natural hair brushes. For some watercolourists, only natural hair will do. But for artists who have ethical concerns about the use of natural hair in watercolour brushes, they make excellent alternatives and, as the demand grows, we can only expect them to get better. Browse Jackson's range of synthetic brushes.


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