Just After Sunrise


Excellent Rachel! Those warm greys go really well against the reds and oranges.

This is a beautiful painting Rachel . As well as the colour, light and atmosphere,I like being able to see the paint and how you've applied it. I like all your sky pics very much

Beautiful sky making it a very atmospheric painting

Beautifully painted Rachel

Beautifully painted Rachel and such a glorious sky.

Another beauty Rachel.

Such a beautiful sky, Rachel!

Quite stunning a beautiful painting and painted really well.

What a beauty Rachel, excellent painting.

Beautiful colours Rachel

Thank you all so much for such lovely comments - really appreciated- 🙏

That really looks like sunrise - well done Rachael.

Stunning rachelk, agree with everyone else!

oops Rachel!

Wonderful colours and atmosphere, Rachel!

What a beautiful palette. I love that translucency in the sky

This is superb Rachel! I love it!

Thankyou again, everyone for such lovely comments.

Perfect use of greys contrast so well against orange and yellow tones. Lovely loose painting Rachel.

Hang on Studio Wall

Freezing grey cloud- and a lot of nothing- then it suddenly broke and there was a glimpse of the rapidly rising sun. Freezing, wet and windy.

About the Artist
Rachel Wood

I paint Plein Air, and landscapes are my passion. The changing light, never knowing quite what may happen, searching for a subject, meeting passers by, all add to the excitement and richness of landscape painting. My other passion is playing the violin, occasionally in and around the streets and…

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