

Sweet Baz... I assume his name? Colours lovely, appeal..sweet, but poor little beastie will fall of his perch as soon as eggs is eggs, then where will his peanuts be ?look at his feet and his claws. James you obviously enjoy your drawing, why not get out there and take a sketchbook and look at people and places. Though please don't give up your wonderful cartoons.

Barrie had just landed on the stump, I'm sure he'll get a grip Sylvia ;-) I'm not getting wet thanks, I'll stay inside ..... It's strange after I upload my work, I then notice my mistakes, I will have to thin out the lower part of the blue line on his breast! It's only my second ever birdie drawing, but I'm enjoying learning still x

Hey this is really good James, you have the perky little face and the blend of bluey-green on his wings. Lovely textured feathers, well done :o) Off to look at the other birdie now!

Thanks Carole, glad you noticed the wings, much appreciated x

Anyone who can do anything in pencils has my admiration James, never mind this charming little fellow ( I haven't got the patience). The shape is definitely Blue tit, the colours are spot on, the detail in the wings and tail are all very good also. More than anything you've captured that Blue tit attitude especially the eye! Nice one James!

Thanks very much Fiona, the photograph did help, it wasn't one of my snaps though ;-) I'm fond of pen & wash, but coloured pencils do make you feel young again, & I need that at 63 x

He looks a chirpy, chappie James, you have done him proud, well done.

Thank You Glennis - he likes using twitter.....

How do, James - you've caught this chap; they're very much in evidence down here in my corner of the Isle of Wight at the moment, trying to deal with the peculiar vagaries of temperature, sun, wind and fog and still successfully bringing off chicks. Great little birds - you've got his fragility, AND his sheer toughness (which God knows, they need...) in your drawing.

PS - just read Sylvia's comment - all you need to do is take a look at the way his feet work, and just add a couple of fine lines from the back of the foot to balance him and give him a grip. I'd cheat, and do it with a rigger and a bit of watercolour, but you're made of sterner stuff and will stick to the medium you started with. Don't be too careful - just suggest.

Thanks Robert, I was inspired to do this one because barry was in front of me as I was looking out of my window, but the drawing is taken from a photograph which shows his legs like I have drawn. I didn't want to alter anything as I like to "keep it real" ha ha

Very nicely done, James!

thanks Seok.....

Robert, I've reworked his feet, and also I have thinned the blue line on his chest. He didn't feel a thing thank goodness!

Hang on Studio Wall

Derwent Inktense Pencil Drawing on Cartridge Paper A4 220gsm

About the Artist
James Lazzari

Started off working life as a Photographer, Professional Musician, (Guitarist/Vocals) Electronics background. It was in 2007 that I started learning to paint & draw, I like to try various styles using different mediums, but do like pen & wash as a preference.

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