Across the Lake


That is a beautiful painting, Martin. Love how you have used the white ink to highlight the tree trunks and branches.

Beautiful love the way you have painted this

Fabulous Martin - what a view!

Wow! What a beautiful painting - love it.

Very nice indeed Martin. The folly and the birds complete it all.

Superb artwork Martin 😊

A beauty Martin love it all.

Just beautiful Martin; you have caught the winter trees so well.

I really like your style Martin and I love that acid yellow green you use for the foreground at this time of year. I know the spot as well!

This is a superb painting Martin and you have done a excellent job of painting it.

I like this very much, the trees so well painted.

I’ve got to love this Martin, my husband proposed to me in the Folly…..and we had our reception in Clumber Park….a picnic! I have a long history of this fabulous place. The birch trees that are quite prolific that side of the lake stand out beautifully in your painting, you’ve captured a wonderful sense of place.

A superb painting Martin. I like how you’ve scratched in the trunks of the trees and the placement of the water birds.

David Anne Heather Fiona Marjorie Stephen Chris Karen Sarah Dixie Maureen Lewis and Fiona thanks very much for your positive responses. Very welcome! Fiona P I hope it brought a smile of happy memories. It’s a great place for a wedding picnic

Thanks Spencer. You must have sent this just as I was replying to the other comments

A beautiful painting, love the trees.

A cracker Martin

Hang on Studio Wall

Started En plein air with Fude pen and ink and finished indoors with inktense pencils and white pen ink. This is the view across Clumber Park lake from in front of the cafe about 100 yards from where I made my previous posting of the creeper. The sun was still bright and shadows strong. You can just see a folly poking out from the trees. On 10x8 Jacksons Acrylic block

About the Artist
Martin S Taylor

I have been for creating things for over 45 years and love variety so I paint, sculpt, make stained glass and ceramics. I use watercolour, acrylic, pastel and ink in my paintings and work from models, plein air and from photos - which I take lots of especially now phone cameras are so good! My…

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