Ridge to Causey Pike

Causey Ridge 2

Interesting colours Frank of a favourite place. Like the low cloud. Enjoy Newlands, the beck Stair, Little Town etc !

Hang on Studio Wall
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Oil on board. 47x33cm. From a photograph taken at the end of a ridgewalk a few years ago, one of those hazy days with cloud below the ridge. Not a new painting – too busy doing other things – so put this in to keep up. Image not accurate in colour reproduction but good enough. Can't climb the hills physically any more (dammit!) but but the paintbrush can do my climbing.

About the Artist
Frank Goddard

I spent many years teaching children art, among other things, but rarely found time to paint for myself until after early retirement. After putting chalk and blackboard behind me I first turned on pen and ink and produced a book The Great North Road (pub. Frances Lincoln, 176pp) devoted to pen and…

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