Fishing Paraphernalia on Hallsands Beach, Devon

Fishing Paraphernalia on Hallsands Beach, Devon

P.S. I know I got the spelling of Paraphernalia wrong on the actual sketch. I have corrected it now on the drawing but the light wasn't good enough today to re-photograph it, so I will have to live with the error!

Like this idea of a random collection of fishing objects,Great fresh pallette.

This is lovely Thea - you have such an individual style, instantly recognisable.

Thank you very much David and Jenny - very kind of you. It was nice to find a random group of bits and pieces left by the lobster fishermen at the end of the day. Most of my still life's have involved me setting the objects up carefully, but the kind fishermen had conveniently left all these things rather nicely grouped. I did thank them the next day when I saw them on the beach the next morning, but they just looked rather bemused!

Don't care how you spell 'para, para, whatsit,' when it looks this good who cares?

I think you should have 100 lines Thea for that spelling mistake - " I must learn my spellings". It's a charming little study and I like the way you have put some of the objects outside the frame.

Well spelled Thea and I love the painting

Well spelled Thea and I love the painting. Agree with you about time

Great little painting Thea!

Another great memory Thea, lovely use of colour and I also like the objects outside the frame.

And a super little still life Thea, very vibrant indeed, a great memory no doubt.

A good honest sketch Thea, personal to you which somehow makes it all the better!

Thank you very much Debs, Marjorie (I have been in detention for my poor spelling!), Dennis, Linda and Fiona for such encouraging comments - very kind of you.

Thank you very much Alan and Louise - much appreciated.

Excellent Theo and well done for taking on a difficult subject

Thank you, Dennis - the subject was a bit cluttered with stuff, but I quite liked that about it. I am not a great one for accuracy and go for general impression - makes it all easier, lol!

A really well composed little sketch Thea, I love the two fishing floats outside the frame.

Fresh and bright, lovely seaside painting

Like this Thea , a fresh and colourful study , don't mind about the spelling, its the painting that counts .

This is absolutely stunning, Thea! The composition is superb, and your palette, as usual, is gorgeous. And I love how come of the paraphernalia spilled off the frame. It's something I always wanted to try but never managed to work out.

Super painting Thea! I wouldn't even try to spell that P word. Lovely composition and colours!

I am just getting into Pen and Wash as suggested by Fiona, I love they way you have done this one Thea and the great sense of humour in your other paintings as well. Wonderful

Thank you very much Michael, Christine, Lesley and Graham for such lovely comments. Christine, I do rather like things to float outside the frame of a painting as I feel it gives a sense of movement, but I must remember not to do it too often otherwise it will get very predictable, not a good thing in paintings.

Thank you very much Seok, Satu and David for such kind comments. David, I started with pure watercolour, but have been drawn more and more to pen and wash lately. I seem to remember liking that medium lot when I was much younger (rather a long time ago now!) so I may have come full circle now. I loved drawing and art at school and then did absolutely nothing in the artistic line (unless you count making things for my kids off Blue Peter!) until 8 years ago when I suddenly decided to learn how to paint in watercolour. It is all led on from that spur of the moment decision.

A really nice one Thea, I thought it was spelled 'bits and bob's' :))) love the colours and the mix of forms, a really great little piece.

Beautiful evocative piece Thea , I love the lovely fresh colours and your ability to leave it done ,a lot of watercolour is ruined by the need to constantly add another touch .<br /><br />I had a good laugh when I read your piece about PMP I would have loved to read your piece criticising the book this chap wrote ( I think I know of you speak ) , I have not gone back to the site as some of the individuals were not terribly nice ; I painted a watercolour from a splendid photo the painting got wide publicity on Google plus and I was very happy with it , I thanked the photographer profusely and I never even got a reply , he did receive and read my messages but blanked me , this has happened more than once , very puzzling indeed .<br /><br />Some of the photos and people are wonderful and it was great for reference material , I cannot believe your subscription was removed that&#39;s so childish .

Thank you very much Malcolm and Dermot for your very kind comments. Dermot, I have left an explanation of what happened about PMP on your latest. Quite unbelievable, but then aren&#39;t some people weird?

Hi Thea , thanks a lot for your reply , you&#39;ve given me a great laugh this morning I love to see egotists taken down a peg or two .<br />I had a look at the many reviews on Amazon one guy States that the book is rubbish and loose does not mean messy , I agree .<br />Like you I&#39;m a fan of Mr Reid and his paintings are always beautifully clean , vibrant and fresh , Edward Wesson was loose in stlyle but again a superb painter ; for me the greatest watercolour artist I&#39;ve ever seen is Trevor Chamberlin I&#39;ve one book of his and often spend hours just looking at the paintings .<br /><br />I hope you have a great weekend keep that brush wet .<br /><br />

This is such a lovely sketch Thea! Your watercolours are always full of interesting objects.

Hang on Studio Wall

I spotted this collection of fishing bits and pieces on the beach just outside the house we were staying in and thought it made quite a nice nautical still life. Another sketchbook memory of a great holiday.

About the Artist
Thea Cable

I am a watercolourist first and foremost as I love the qualities of the medium, its riskiness and unpredictability. I started painting about 8 years ago and it has now become an integral part of my life. Hopefully, I will continue to paint into my dotage as I am given to understand that you can…

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