Cornish Night

Cornish Night

Didn't immediately associate this with you Thalia, but I was drawn to it right away. I like it a lot. Comes across as free and confident.

Great shapes, lovely colours, I love it Thalia!

This caught my eye straight away, Thalia. I like it a lot, gorgeous colours.

This has panache Thalia.

Gosh, Carole! Panache! Thank you! No Jim, a style I used a lot a few years ago and may return to again for the freedom and joy it gives! Thanks Dennis, Satu, and Ellen, very encouraging comments from you all! Much appreciated as always.

Wow this is completely different, I didn't even know this was you. It's fab. You need to do more. It's so alive.

Eye-catching, Thalia. Gorgeous colours.

I like much this one, Thalia, it is very good to me.

You have infected the colour of Malta Ito Cornwall Thalia, it would be even more crowded! Have a great start to the new year and many red dots! Lol

Very vibrant and alive Thalia.

This is beautiful Thalia.

Attractive and vibrant colours,I like it very much, Thalia.

Thank you all so very much...this is really heartening to read you comments on this a very different style I agree! Thanks, Jennifer...yes I'll certainly do some more! thanks, Margaret Cesare and Stephen! I intend to! [With or without red dots!!!]

Thank you you're all very kind and I much appreciate the feed back, thanks Russell, Sandra, Emma P, and Annick,

I love this. Your use of colour in your paintings is outstanding.

Hang on Studio Wall

I started this many years ago, and was never satisfied with it [is one ever!] so I've worked into it a little, the sky specifically, and given a few of the buildings more definition. Still not sure about it as it's a very different style from what I'm currently painting in watercolours.

About the Artist
Thalia Stones

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