Whilst my coffee cooled

Whilst my coffee cooled

Oh how I envy you. A beautiful Greek island to sit and sketch in the sun. Very nice.

Lucky you Sylvia, great sketches!

Sounds and looks like you are having a lovely holiday!

Fantastic sketches, Sylvia. You seem to enjoy your holiday!!!!

Definitely not in the UK! These are very effective sketches - nice work

Hang on Studio Wall

Did these two yesterday here in Kefalonia. Watching the world go by .

About the Artist
Sylvia Evans

Sylvia Evans. I am mainly a self taught artist, though I did spend a year at Rochdale School of Art in the late 1950’s. I was then made to get a “Proper Job” by my father, so I spent the next few years in a nursing career. I married and had a family, just picking up a pencil to amuse my…

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