

I like your palette - a difficult choice when there is not much light. by the way your picture has appeared twice in the gallery.

Correction 3 times in the gallery.

Apologies for the repeat postings, nothing seemed to be happening so I repeated the upload command. Hopefully I've now deleted the repeats.

Nice one Peter, big skies with low horizons always appeal to me.

Thanks Alan, I have to admit to believing the sky is the most important element in many landscapes, and is the element I enjoy most.

Hang on Studio Wall

20"x16" oil on canvas covered board. A scene I have painted many times being adjacent to our home. The lockdown meant staying close to home for plein air painting so this is a studio painting based on a couple of plein air sketches done early doors in April.

About the Artist
Peter Davison

Trained as a Surveyor so cursed with a background in technical drawing, something that I have striven to overcome with varying degrees of success. Attended drawing classes at an Art College and continued drawing for years before going on to watercolour and now oils. Favourite subjects are boats, theā€¦

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