Blue Pot and Two Peaches

Blue Pot and Two Peaches

Superb piece, Steve - great palette and brushwork. Simple yet striking.

I like the blues/orange together and the loose style - fresh and lively feel.

Love it Steve, spot on as always.

Nice one Steve the blue pot was well chosen as it plays very nicely against all the orange and reds around it . Well done mate .

Oh by the way Steve thank you for putting your work on the gallery which is a great facility but its nice to have my paintings on the same gallery as you many thanks .

Gorgeous still life Steve! I do like them very simple, strong and colourful.

Cheers Fiona, Dennis and Satu, much appreciated.

Hang on Studio Wall

About the Artist
Steve Strode

Why not visit me on and sign up for my monthly newsletter. I've been painting for about twenty five years now and teaching for about twenty. Specialising in Art and Education, I tutor on a Painting Degree and deliver my own courses, workshops and demonstrations in painting…

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