Garden VI

Garden VI

Nice brushwork - looks casual and immediate - no fussing. I don't think it looks over-worked at all.

It looks OK to me

Cheers Thea and Frank, you're very kind. I think I caught myself aimlessly applying paint; I need to do more watercolour to be totally confident of what it can do as a medium. I found myself doing what I always tell my students to avoid...Fiddling without intent. That said I enjoyed the afternoon in the garden painting no matter what the outcome. All the best, Steve

Hang on Studio Wall

17 cm x 17 cm watercolour. I've been trying out some Canson Vidalon 140Ib paper and it aint too shabby. Just started to lose this one and got drawn into overworking it in a rescue attempt, so I let it be. Is there any finer way to spend an hour than sitting in the sun painting?

About the Artist
Steve Strode

Why not visit me on and sign up for my monthly newsletter. I've been painting for about twenty five years now and teaching for about twenty. Specialising in Art and Education, I tutor on a Painting Degree and deliver my own courses, workshops and demonstrations in painting…

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