Sadu (Kerala)

Sadu (Kerala)

You've managed to get a lot of character into his face and his hands and robe are really well painted. Don't know much about acrylics but would painting his robe with an undercoat of white first help to make the orange more vibrant, although it looks fine to me. I'm sure you'll get much better advice from all the acrylic experts on this site!

love this one, lots of detail and so realistic :-)

I don't remember seeing this - yes, underpainting the robe in white might well help; you could glaze over it with a mix of cadmium red and cad yellow; or crimson and cadmium yellow. One of the sharpest yellows is Winsor and Newton's Cadmium Lemon - a bit on the acid side, but that's often useful. It isn't easy mixing powerful oranges ... but it's a while since you painted this, so you've probably cracked the problem by now!

Hang on Studio Wall

76cm x 51cm on boxed canvas. I've resorted to a palette knife again for the face and beard, but used a brush for everything else.The problem I've had with this painting is trying to make a vibrant orange, no matter how I tried Icouldn't get it as bright as I wanted. Any ideas? The painting is from a photograph from my friend Macki Haer. Visit him on his website to see it:

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Stephen Michael Law

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