A quickie with the Hake.


Beautiful, Stephen!

Many thanks Anne, Paul and David, it is strange in art that the quickest, simplest scenes can appeal more than complex ones. I think that’s why the clumsy old hake often works, it doesn’t do complex or refined!

Nicely done indeed Stephen.

Many thanks Spencer.

Many thanks Michael. I remember reading a Ron Ranson book many years ago where he said “first of all you need a Hake, no you idiot, not a fish, it’s a brush” Quite a character.

You are going great guns with your terrific watercolours Stephen, this is fab!

Lovely quickie!

That is superb, Stephen!!

Yes well I was initially looking for the fisherman! Seriously it’s a lovely gentle painting and I think a great idea to paint just using the one brush. Works really well.

Many thanks everyone for your generous comments. Actually Tessa, I did use a ‘rigger’ for the fine branches and grasses.

Only just spotted this Stephen - what a great result! Love it.

Hang on Studio Wall

I was watching a very good watercolour demo online earlier, by a lady artist, using a Hake brush. I haven’t used mine for a while, so I thought I would have ago. It’s only A4 size and the Hake covered the area very quickly!

About the Artist
Stephen Slater

I am a self taught amateur painter, I mostly paint landscapes in watercolour but I 'dabble' in other mediums from time to time. I really enjoy my art, especially painting outdoors when the weather allows.

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