Autumn Walk

Autumn Walk

How long is quickly Stephen, it doesn't look like a quickie...there's a lot in it. Great shadows.

Thanks Fiona, about 45 mins. I would guess, before we got stuck into the food. I suggested we should do this every week but people thought I was joking!

Getting stuck into the food or doing a quickie?? Lol

How about both at the same time? Brush in one hand, mince pie in the other! It would be all about the crumbs though....they would get everywhere!

I bet Lol could conjure up a tray device that could catch the crumbs and hold brushes and cup of tea!

Lol....the possibilities are endless Stephen, your cup of tea could double up as brush rinsing solution......that would be interesting! I'll shut up now! lol

Hi Fiona, perhaps we are getting confused with the use of lol and Lol? Lol is one of the art group members, who also makes little painting gadgets, hence my reference to his making a pie, cup of tea and painting brush holder, as Monty Python used to say, this sketch is getting silly!

Lovely Stephen, wonderful greens and distant trees

Hang on Studio Wall

Our Christmas party at the art group today, so I needed to do something quickly before we had some food.

About the Artist
Stephen Slater

I am a self taught amateur painter, I mostly paint landscapes in watercolour but I 'dabble' in other mediums from time to time. I really enjoy my art, especially painting outdoors when the weather allows.

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