Swimming party.

Swimming party.

A lovely scene Stephen, I like the softness you've captured, it compliments the subject.

Many thanks Fiona and Kirstie.

For some reason this made me smile which is a good thing when viewing work here. It'll be all the birds which add greatly to the painting. That solitary bench plus shadow looks good as well. Like it a lot Stephen and the title :)

Many thanks once again Louise, it was therapeutic watching the various birds swimming around, enjoying the autumnal sun.

Great dreamy scene - not easy with strong horizontals but this comes off so well.

Many thanks Michael and Dennis.

Lovely Stephen, very good composition

Nice one Stephen . but how the weather is now I am glad Iam not a member of the swimming party.

Thanks Christopher, I just looked from the edge but the ducks and swans can cope!

Hang on Studio Wall

From a photo I took a few weeks ago at Daisy Nook.

About the Artist
Stephen Slater

I am a self taught amateur painter, I mostly paint landscapes in watercolour but I 'dabble' in other mediums from time to time. I really enjoy my art, especially painting outdoors when the weather allows.

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