After. The vote.

After. The vote.

As you were 'leaving' then Stephen - could be a prophesy.

Let's hope do Michael!

Agree..we've already voted by post but this road looks a quiet as the Manchester town hall extension this morning. I voted there by proxy for my daughter who is a city dweller but out of the country at the moment and I was the only person in the room! I'd expected queues, even the press and perhaps I'd even be on 'Granada reports' being interviewed.. LOL. . Perhaps everyone in town was at work but I was surprised to see no one else there or outside for that matter. A bit like your quiet road but not as green! A good sketch Stephen.

Thanks Louise, now you mention it I was the only one voting at the time, it must be quite some challenge in adding up all the votes from all the voting points throughout the country. You would think by now they would would have some computer that you entered your vote into and it was all added op automatically.

Also Stephen, there were no pens in the polling booth. Just a small pencil on a string which I had to use as I had no pens on me!

We have never had pens in Oldham, just the old pencil on a string job!

Must be the 'cuts', they're cheaper. :) I just though that pencil can be rubbed out but having googled it just now read that they're 'a particular type' so can't be? Also, it's to stop graffiti they say.

I related this story at the other art group I go to in Royton tonight and was reminded of an old member who used to tell us he never had to buy a pencil, as at every election he used to take a pen knife with him and cut the string after he had voted! And they say Yorkshire men are tight!

They do indeed Stephen..LOL I always vote by post so didn't know they used a pencil on a bit of string. Now we have to wait all night for them to accurately count all those crosses. And this is 2016 :)

Hang on Studio Wall

The poling station is in the local park, so painted this when I came out.

About the Artist
Stephen Slater

I am a self taught amateur painter, I mostly paint landscapes in watercolour but I 'dabble' in other mediums from time to time. I really enjoy my art, especially painting outdoors when the weather allows.

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