Ashley in his Rubrick's cube shirt.

Ashley in his Rubrick's cube  shirt.

That's a smashing T shirt Linda! The figure is well done too.

Lovely you catch expression really well Linda

Many thanks Sarah, Jenny and Dennis. I must admit that the cube was more difficult than the portrait!

Looks like he is looking towards the next puzzle to unravel Linda.

Lovely composition and loads of character. Nicely done, Linda.

Thank you John and Seok for taking the time to look and comment.

Hang on Studio Wall

Rembrant soft Pastel, Derwent pastel and coloured pencils on Mi-Teintes

About the Artist
Linda Wilson

Since retiring from a career in education and training management, I returned to art after a gap of 40 years. Now I travel was much as I can with my husband and take an enormous amount of photographs, some of which I use as reference photos. Meanwhile, I take a weekly course in portraiture and…

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