Einstein in chalk

Einstein in chalk

Not everything is about money Skylar but I still bet you could kick yourself for that omission.

Adele - You are So right!

It's great! At least people are able to see it which is what it's all about Skylar

Russell- Thank you! I agree with your statement...

It is so good Skylar,

It's really good Skylar, it must be a thrill to see your work in print!

To be honest, I thought this was one of the best things I had done to that point. Somewhere down the line, I think I will be mentioned...

I suppose it's good they did that.. free advertisement for you. Great drawing.

Posted on Sat 05 Aug 19:56:11

But surely you have the copyright anyway, regardless of wether or not you registered it anywhere. Try asking for the money and threaten to sue the publisher. After all you have the original. Good work though.

Hang on Studio Wall

I drew this back in 2010, didn't coptright it. Every so often, it crops up in some magazine. This time in the Italian "Focus" article about the man. I think i am actually proud of it, tho I never made any money from it...

About the Artist
Skylar Brown

Life-long artist. Made most of my living that way. Traveled a lot, painting around the world. Everything from graphic Design to commissioned portraits. Movie & TV graphics, Music Video Bkgs, Murals, - You get the gist. Now retired. Still Travel. Paint every day.

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