Daffs in Jug

Daffs in Jug

Beautiful Shirley superb style and colour

Super zingy colours Shirley....love that splash of orange.

This is beautiful. You've captured a gorgeous light. I also feel the composition creates energy somehow.

Thank you very much for your encouraging comments, Dennis, Fiona and Gudrun. I shall have another go tomorrow morning as the daffs are coming out, and I shall try a different limited palette.

Fabulous stuff Shirley, very interesting style.

It has got a lovely carefree feeling Shirley. Great colours too.

Very nicely painted Shirley I like it .

A well balanced composition Shirley nicely drawn too David Harrison

Love the vivid marks and the lovely contrast of bright hues against neutrals. Super work, Shirley!

A very pleasing painting Shirley, great style.

Hang on Studio Wall

Water colour today.

About the Artist
Shirley May

Always loved drawing and painting. Studied biology at UEA, PGCE at Sussex, then part-time art studies at Sussex and Brighton, including printmaking. Before Covid I gave a little weekly watercolour class for 7 years. Now I am using acrylics on canvas and paper en plein air whenever possible.

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