Morning Nap

Morning Nap

He looks exhausted! Love the colours, water and detail. Unusual subject as well, well unusual for me to see!

Lovely colours and reflections in the water, as Louise says an unusual subject but probably not that unusual in your part of the world. Lovely painting

It is so interesting to see your rather exotic part of the world Seok, you don't see many Iguanas on the Manchester ship canal! Expertly painted as always.

At first I thought it was a cat, but this is much more interesting.

Posted by K 0 on Fri 21 Mar 16:36:26

Wow, Seok. What an exotic subject. And as usual, painted perfectly. "Be a member of the POL-site and see the world"!!!!

Super work Seok and such a great unique subject

Happy boy floating on a raft sunbathing ! Lovely lovely painting Seok!

How amazing! Are the rafts there especially for these creatures or has it just found a comfy place to sleep? I always find your paintings so informative as well as lovely to look at. The whole painting is great but I am very impressed with the way you have painted the water as it looks suitably swamp like, which I suspect it was.

He has a wonderful bed! Looks like he's daring anyone to take it away from him Seok. The raft is executed so well, water is too.

He does look like he needs a rest, and as said, very well painted.

Thanks so very much, everyone, for your very kind comments! Thea, yes, it was mangrove swamp territory and the raft was something left in a small pond area for the wildlife. It seems to have been appropriated by this fella, as I've seen him there a number of times.

Love the way you've handled the whole thing but I find the subject matter a little disturbing - got a thing about crocs and would no way be able to stare at one long enough to paint it, you're very brave in my book!!!

I remember a couple of years ago you saying you weren't good with greens! But look at this, you have it perfect. Remember wading through swamps up to our waists in Johore and our trousers filling up with leeches!

Great painting and very interesting subject Seok.

Great subject Seok and very convincing "swampy" water.

Thanks very much, Debs, Fred, Joseph and Val! Debs, it's not a croc, but a monitor lizard. Not as lethal as a croc, but still capable of a nasty bite or scratch. I was on the bridge over the water, which is why I was "brave" enough to snap him. A week after I spotted this fellow sunbathing, there was a report that a large croc was actually standing in one of the walking trails of the same reserve! Fred, your experience sounds dreadful! I'm sure you're glad to be back home!

Very nicely painted Seok! If it had been me doing this it would be a very shaky painting as he looks rather scary! I am catching up on your beautiful work as have had a busy but enjoyable year looking after my grandson.

Thanks very much, Sarah!

Hang on Studio Wall
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Monitor Lizard napping on a raft at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in Singapore.

About the Artist
Seok Yam Chew

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