Golden Morning

Golden Morning

Love the colours in this Seok - it certainly looks like a golden morning, beautiful addition to your travelogue portfolia

Another great watercolour Seok, like the composition and tones used and particulary like the trees and the colours used, another really nice painting for your portfolio. your work just seems to get better and better.

This is very good Seok, I would echo Graham's comment of your work getting better and better.

What wonderful colours, Seok. There's something almost spiritual about the softness of this - a lovely atmosphere.

this is beautiful. Especially the tree in the middle. Love it

I agree with all comments already made, this is just lovely Seok.

Another beautiful watercolour to add to your great portfolio

Such a delightful and beautiful painting Seok! You have got such a gentle way of transforming your ideas on paper. Bravo!

I agree with all the above comments Seok. Beautiful soft colouring.

hi this is asuch a beatiful scene you have a real talent for water colours form paula

What more can I say ?!! A real beauty and so delicate.

Wow, so many comments already, Seok. This is just amazing and I agree with all the above comments. This is super, as is all your work in your gallery!

Beautiful work - gorgeous trees and super colours.

I've enjoyed your paintings from the beginning, but you really do seem to be getting better all the time; what's the secret?

I agree, your use of colours & tones is superb Seok.

Seok - this is a sheer delight

So lovely, very crisp and colourful painting Seok.

beautiful soft watercolour, lovely colours.I love your portfolio also.x

I don't think there is anything I can add to the above comments Seok, it's simply divine.

Thank you so very much, everyone, for your very kind comments! Graham, Stephen and Robert, I feel very encouraged that artists of your calibre think I am getting better, because every painting is still a struggle! And Robert, no real secret except that I have been attempting to paint watercolor for 4 days a week instead of the usual once a week and I changed my paper from Arches hot pressed to Arches rough when painting trees, as I have come to realize belatedly that it's easier to avoid cauliflowers while I am deciding on my greens mid-stroke!

Superb Seok Yam, lovely palette and sense of light, well done!

Have to agree with all the comments...just fabulous Seok!

Thank you very much, Lesley and Stephen!

Excelentt sttuff, Seok ( or is Seok Yam correct?) almost Mediterranean Europe or North Africa in the style of village design and your choice of colour. best Mick

super image and treatment

Thank you very much, Mick and Brian! Mick, Seok or Seok Yam both fine - Seok Yam is my full first name, but my friends usually call me Seok.

Just so lovely. The colours used make the picture zing and such a great composition too :_

Thank you very much, Sarah!

I am catching up as I have been busy lately and unable to look in, Glad I found your painting Seok they are always Interesting and the colours are wonderful,

Thank you very much, William! Yes, we all hit those busy spells, I just had mine near the end of last year and am now struggling to catch up!

Gosh what a brilliant potfolio you have here. And you say every painting is a battle!!! I haven't seen any postings lately but maybe I just misssed them. Any way this and ALL the others real beauties. Thanks for your lovely comment this morning too.

Hang on Studio Wall

Near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel.

About the Artist
Seok Yam Chew

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