Temple Guard

Temple Guard

Spot on, Seok Yam, and dressed up for winter! A lovely watercolour which brings back memories and makes me smile...

Hi Seok Yam - lovely and clever use of different shades of purple in his robe, which you have managed to make look interesting - well done!

This is really a lovely watercolour Soek Yam, your figure drawing can only be admired by myself and the rendering with the watercolours are first class, again a very accomplished piece of work, and thank you for viewing and commenting on some of my recent posts, it is as always greatly appreciated, looking forward to seeing more of your work

Beautifully painted, love the garment blowing in the breeze.

A beautiful painting. It is so lifelike. Glad to see your postings again :)

All your Egypt paintings take me back to my childhood as I spent several years in Egypt then. I saw many men dressed like this, so not a lot has changed it would seem. Wonderful detailed painting, super colours in the robe and the white paper give the impression of the glaring sunlight that is typical of the country. Lovely.

Thank you so very much, everyone!

Beautiful watercolour and I really like the way you have painted his robe

Agree with all the above and I like the purposeful stance, it is so commanding, well done Seok.

This is again a beautiful addition to your perfect gallery, Seok. Sorry for being so late to comment, but I have been away for a few days and you know how difficult catching up is.

Thank you so very much, Teresa, Fred and Mia! I really appreciate your very kind comments. Mia, no problem at all, I am facing the same problem trying to catch up as well!

Lovely sense of movement in the cloth, great subject!

Hang on Studio Wall

(Guard at the mortuary temple at the Step Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, Egypt)

About the Artist
Seok Yam Chew

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