Coastal path

Coast path

They aren’t the easiest of medium, but you’ve excelled with this one Sarah, really good mark making!

Love the foreground textural marks Sarah.

Thank you very much Alan and Carole! Appreciate your comments very much.

I agree with Alan, you have some really good directional marks that describe the landscape wonderfully Sarah.

Thank you Fiona, am glad you like it!

Hang on Studio Wall

Pastel from a photograph taken on a walk from St Ann's Head to Marloes sands on the Pembrokeshire coast path,

About the Artist
Sarah Crouch

Hello, I am from South Derbyshire. I always loved drawing as a child but only took it up again a few years ago. I love wildlife, the countryside, history and of course art and painting. I studied Biology but currently work at a local studies library. I am hoping to improve my painting and am glad I…

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