Red Basket

Red Basket

A fabulous piece, Satu! Full of life and movement. I love how you balance the solid shape of the basket with the smaller shapes of the petals. It comes together beautifully.

Super colours and textures in this one Satu, and how lucky are you to live somewhere that has such a great opportunity for artists from quite far and wide by the sound of it to display and hopefully sell some work, that's a really well done to Maidenhead Council for organising that one, be interesting to hear how you and others get on there

Gorgeous colour Satu and not a snail in sight! These should sell well as anyone would love to own one. Sorry I'm not near but good luck with the event.

Could be a basket of butterflies all fluttering into the sunlight....... another very happy painting. Good luck next month and I'll keep my fingers crossed for good weather.

Many thanks Seok, Ros and Louise for your comments! Always appreciated! Ros, the organisers of the Art on the Street are the lovely girls at Bowille&Wright art shop, of course with the Councils approval, and they work really hard every time to make it better and better. The parking is free everywhere in town, there're musicians , hot food, workshops for children etc. I have seen people walking around for several hours and really enjoying themselves.

Thank you very much Avril! Yes, the only problem in December is the weather! So please keep your fingers crossed indeed! It's on the 7th of Dec.

Good luck Satu, sounds like a great event, would love to come if I lived nearer, I'm sure these bright flower pictures will sell really well!

Avril read my mind:) that is exactly what I thought when I saw this, a beautiful profusion of butterflies dancing around the flowers. Good luck next month, hope you have lots of sales.

Super colours, really vibrant. Yes! good luck with the event.

So bright, so colourful. Hope you make lots of money.

Debs, Val, Mark and Sylvia. Many thanks for your lovely comments and good wishes! Much appreciated!

Fantastic work Satu. love the palette colours

Good luck satu! This is alive and vibrant, reminds me of confetti.

Thank you Fiona! I soon have to change the tittle into Butterflies and Confetti!

I love these paintings as they always lift my spirits (and boy - do they need lifting at the moment!). Superb zingy colours and I love all the little patches of colour.

A lovely, vibrant work Satu. I really like your flower paintings as I am sure others will. Hope you do really well at the Street art event. Good luck.

Just catching up and glad i found this - love the achieved effects.

Many thanks Thea, Julie and Michael for your kind words!

I like it very much. Beautiful colours.

Lovely exciting plant.May well visit the event.

Thank you very much Petra, Gudrun, Eva and David for your comments! David, do come and see me, I'm at the pitch number 74 or75and will have my name marked above.

Best of luck at the show Satu. I recognised this as one of yours straight away. It's full of life and colour and raises my spirits when I look at it :)

Thank you very much Sarah!

Hang on Studio Wall

A little painting I made yesterday. It is again on a wooden panel and painted with a palette knife. I have got four of this size to do before Art on the Street event in Maidenhead next month. It is a fantastic venue twice a year when local artists and some others coming from quite far away take the High Street for a day to show and sell their work. If any of you live nearby, do come and see me there.

About the Artist
Satu Vartiainen

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