Rocky shore

Rocky shore

Yup - done - don't fiddle - great abstract interpretation of whatever!

He he! Love love love your description of this particular painting process for you Satu, that will resonate with many I am sure, this beach scene sure looks good to me, keep going, never give up, you are definatly heading in the right direction

Quite often it's the quick, instinctive paintings that work out so well and this is no exception. Lovely, lively painting!

Absolutely love it Satu, the sky is full of life.

Sometimes quick is better. The less you think the better too. It's spontaneous and it works.

It really did work

Thank you so much Michael, Ros, Louise, Fiona, Dawn and Karyl for your support, very much appreciated!

Done! It's worked, banish that painter's block - I had the damn' thing for 4 months and it nearly drove me mad..... getting over it now, though!

Thank you Robert, I very much appreciate your opinion and hope that your painter's block is a thing in the past now!

The instinctive ones are usually the best. Love this style

The instinctive ones are usually the best. Love this style

Fabulous! Full of life and I can imagine myself among the rocks.

I agree with everyone, this is stunning Satu. Sorry but I've missing a lot of posts lately!

Hang on Studio Wall

Four colours, white canvas, complete painter's block. Start to cover the surface using thick paint...fine, feels good...panic! what to do next?..more paint, work quickly.. don't think...let the brush do it's job... breath out and finish. Done or is it??

About the Artist
Satu Vartiainen

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