Migrating Birds

Migrating Birds

This is lovely Satu, a painting that evokes a real feeling of lightness, movement and colour. I can hear the birdsong!

A wonderful painting Satu - it is so full of life and colour and texture. I am exploring the use of palette kinives at present and I am really enjoying it.

Makes a wonderful abstract.

This sings in every sense of the word Satu.

Very colourful and inspiring Satu.

Many thanks Christine,Julie, Sylvia, Carole and Fiona for your comments. Always very much appreciated.

Gosh your surroundings are certainly having a great effect on your painting.... this has such vitality. I can hear all the birds and imagine them fleeting past. We have a "squadron" of swifts screaming around our house at moments and a song thrush has set up residence and sings day and night.

Thank you Avie! Isn't it lovely to all these birds singing!

I love the movement in this and isn't it great to use a palette knife now and again. Well done.

A stunning piece, Satu! There's so much movement and musicality in the painting that you really can imagine the birds singing!

Hang on Studio Wall

Being surounded by sea and forest at the moment, I have had the pleasure to hear the singing of hundreds of birds, all kinds of them, day and night. My painting tries to show them on their journey both in the air and on the ground and enjoying the nordic summer. Acrylic on MDF with palette knife. 60cm x 60cm. P.S. Somehow I couldn't get the colours right in this photo. The blue is much greener in the actual painting.

About the Artist
Satu Vartiainen

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