Stone chat


I don't know but you've painted it beautifully.

Love the orange background - lovely painting

I agree, keep the orange, it blends with the birds feathers. Superb.

Excellent painting Sandra.

The orange harmonies with the bird Sandra.

Thank you kal, hilary, Tessa, Stephen and John 🤗

Lovely work, I really like the background Sandra

That's smashing.

The orange makes it.

Beautiful, striking work. I like the orange, it makes the whole scene dynamic.

Great painting, the orange creates a strong atmosphere and strengthens the white highlights. Like the barbed wire.

Hmmm. I'm going to oppose the consensus. The saturation of the background overpowers the bird. The background becomes the statement. Your bird definitely deserves to be the star. The monochrome works well as an concept rather than a natural background. Perhaps play around using Photoshop / Gimp to find alternatives. In my head a mid-grey-blue is an option.

Beautiful contrasts working here. I would keep the orange. Lovely work.

Wow ! thank you the painters online community, lots of comments and interesting opinions, still not sure which way to go 🥴🤔

I like the background a lot and the Stone Chat is painted beautifully

This stands out as a painting. If you used muted natural background colours it would be another spuggy on a fence looking like a copied photo

Wonderful, the background is great.

I seem to agree with the my opinion DEFINITELY keep the background as it is, as it beautifully picks up those iridescent breast feathers, while perfectly exhibiting the amazing jewel of a bird you have created through sheer technical perfection. Brilliant!

No fuss and such a beautifully simple painting, emphasising the superb qualities of the details of the Stone Chat. Love the background colour Sandra?

Thank you all so much, think I’ll keep the background orange… for now! 🤪


It’s gorgeous

Love this!!

Posted by Jo Newey on Sat 23 Mar 15:48:37

It looks so good, really beautiful

This is absolutely gorgeous Sandra. I love the orange background too.

Hang on Studio Wall

My latest painting of a Stone Chat in my bird series… I can’t decide, shall I keep the background orange or not? 🤔🙂 Thanks Bob Abbott for the reference photo

About the Artist
sandra binney

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