Study of a Lane in spring after an original by Richard Thorn (Watercolour on Two Rivers 200lb Not approx 14" x 10")

Lane 4

This is a lovely study - really nicely painted. I am glad you got on with the paper well.

Beautiful tribute to Thorn, lovely work, Bob, your darks are especially effective.

A beautiful study- I especially love the shadows across the road.

Well, the experiment has worked brilliantly Bob

This I superb, the lights and darks are spot on, it’s a delight to look at.

Superb work on those lovely tree shadows and a beautiful painting Bob.

Super painting. The darks on the left are very effective in setting off the rest of the painting.

A superb example of watercolours Bob. The hint of sunshine and deep shadows, beautifully painted trees and my favourite part…..the way you have indicated the negative shadows and colours in the hedgerow bottom right.

This is so good Bob, lovely feeling of light.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is primarily a test of Two Rivers hand made watercolour paper 200lb Not, after seeing an interview of Jim Patterson on how he came to be involved in this specialist area of work, uploaded by Jackson's art supplies (I think). I have used UK handmade paper very occasionally, and my wife suggested I give it a go. On arrival I cut a full sheet into 1/4's and decided to paint a study of a watercolour by one of my all time favourite artists Richard Thorn on it. I love the way the paper behaves...wonderfully!

About the Artist
Bob Biggart

I'm an amateur artist who started to paint in watercolours about 1990, when I found that the watercolours I admired in galleries were way beyond my price range. My thinking was that in time I might be able to produce paintings that I could hang on my wall at home, and be happy with. At the…

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