Black Sky

Black Sky

Looks terrific, the scratching etc really adds to the foreground. Imagination rather than reference is always a more personal route to a painting, unless of course you're aiming for realism. Looking at this fine piece nowt wrong with your imagination Robert.

Lovely picture, Robert.

all your scratching and agonizing has paid off really well Robert .As stated before by me well balanced composition, tight colour scheme, excellent tonal contrast and detail in foreground David Harrison

This is lovely Robert, it was interesting to see it develop from your original version. The foreground detail you've added finishes it off nicely, and the darker sky gives it lots of atmosphere.

You seem uncertain about this painting but I love it. The striking dark sky against the light on the mount is beautiful. More again the grass and texture to the foreground. Great colours Robert!

It's turned out well after all your small additions, I also love the effect of sunlight against the dark sky.

You've got the contrast of light beautifully. You can see the storm brewing while standing bathed in sunlight.

Thanks all - Beatrice, my comment reflected the struggle I had to pull it round, having realized I'd not given myself enough information to paint the foreground; in a way though that made it more interesting to do; there are still things I could do with it, eg extending that shadow in the middle distance across the path, given it seems to stop a bit conveniently at the path's edge - the question is whether that would actually do any more than make the painting more logical; and logicality might not have much to do with impact.... That's always the temptation, to tidy things up, tuck the sheet in hospital corners as it were - but I don't like hyper-realism and total verisimilitude in other people's paintings, so I'd like to avoid them in my own...... I'm certainly much happier with this one than I was a week ago; but - d'you know (and I bet you do) I've never been entirely certain about any painting I've ever done.

Love it! I love dark skies with patchy sunlit land. I really like that twiggy tree in foreground. Also love the lemon/yellow touches.

I've just realized that despite all my advice to others, I haven't indicated the medium or dimensions - well, it's (probably obviously) an oil, and the dimensions are 30 by 40cm. Probably time for an acrylic now, given the NAPA accepted me as a member!

What strikes me Robert, is that your cooler colours are in the foreground, while the warmer green/yellows are more distant, and it works so well! Lovely details throughout.

Great dark brooding sky over the lighter hill and those splashes of yellow/green add warmth. I must give scratching out a try as it works so well in your paintings Robert.

Thanks Ruth = yes, you're quite right, which is what made it so difficult to get right (well, assuming I did for one mad, crazy moment). Makes painting a bit exciting when you play with the rules a little - I got so excited by this back to front approach, that's no doubt why I paid too little attention initially to the foreground. But then - that's the way we learn.

Val, see Alan Bickley's paintings as well (not instead of, mind!) - he is braver than I am with the scratching out and achieves incredible results: also Rupert Cordeux's watercolours. It's a very useful technique but, like most techniques, it doesn't help to overdo it.

I love big dramatic skies.

This is terrific Robert, wonderful finale but why's that pesky black cat ruining it

Now Derek, you know that's not a cat. You're toying with me ..... very naughty. I shall insert a cat into the next one though, just for you: as far away from my rat as possible.

It works very well Robert , excellent work

I like this landscape very much - very evocative

Hi Robert, I posted that little watercolour sketch yesterday that you said you’d like to see! They rarely attract any interest, but I know that you appreciate this stuff. I’ve got thousands but I won’t be posting them any time soon! Just thought I’d let you know that I appreciate your interest in this type of ‘unfinished’ or ‘unpolished’ work!

Hang on Studio Wall
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This was the WIP I showed on the Forum: I think it's now progressed about as far as I want to take it. It was an experiment which I hadn't thought through - my sketch didn't show enough foreground information, and away from the spot I had to make it up a bit. Hence much work with layers of paint, palette knife, scumbling, scratching out. Well, I've done worse!

About the Artist
Robert Jones, NAPA

Born November 18th 1950. Former party political agent, former chairman of housing association. Has worked as a volunteer with the NHS since 2000, painting seriously for the last ten years, sporadically for the last 50. Member, National Association of Painters in Acrylic from October 2015

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More by Robert Jones, NAPA