Autumn on the River II

Autumn on the River II

Of the two, I think I prefer this one. Maybe because of the landscape format and it seems looser. I always find that using up left-overs takes away any pressure, it's a win win situation. Your palette is very different from your usual, Robert, and,by the way, it's certainly no mess.

I like this a lot Robert! It's free, it has got air in it and the colours are fresh and gentle. Not a mess at all!

I gentler version of the portrait shaped one - different in feel - more misty and muted but very beautiful and quite ethereal.

A lovely sparkle to this. Are you having us on with the "left over" paint? Perhaps using a limited palette is the answer to getting this fresh look. Well done , - as usual.

No - (would I?!) - I had some paint left over on the palette, added a little cerulean blue hue (a Winton tube I've had for more years than I can remember) found a very old board from which I'd scraped all the paint and coated, Lord knows how long ago, with a smearing of Flake White just to give me a surface to work on, and banged it on after finishing a larger painting. These things sometimes work because you really don't care .... not a tragedy if you have to throw it away. I just played with it, basically, and am glad if it's come off. I think I prefer the bigger painting, because the detail is somewhat finer and better painted. but it's always a matter of judgment - how long to carry on, when to stop: hard to know when or if you ever get it right!

Superb pair of postings, Robert. Love the palette, and the movement of the trees.

Great colour and you possess great talent and knowledge of the medium Robert

Hang on Studio Wall
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Using up my leftover paint on a very beaten up and superannuated 10 by 8" canvas board - it's had paintings scraped off it, it's been re-primed, it's a bit of a mess .... but quite enjoyable to do.

About the Artist
Robert Jones, NAPA

Born November 18th 1950. Former party political agent, former chairman of housing association. Has worked as a volunteer with the NHS since 2000, painting seriously for the last ten years, sporadically for the last 50. Member, National Association of Painters in Acrylic from October 2015

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