Valentine tulips

Valentine tulips

I really like this Sarah. The rich purple of the tulips works so well with the vase colours and background. There's a lovely shine on that vase as well. Would you mind telling me the make of the white pen? It looks to be a useful piece of kit! I've been struggling with white gouache and a rigger and never even thought of a white pen! ( Handy for signing paintings on a dark area as well) The white lines here look really good and lift the whole thing. Well done, lovely work!

I love the vibrancy of this and, like Louise, I was wondering about the white pen. It certainly works well in this lovely painting.

Thank you for your kind comments Louise and Val. The white pen is by Pental, reference K118-LW and has Hybrid Gel grip written on the pen cap. A friend of mine recommended them and I have nearly got through two already! Once it is on your painting you cannot paint over it as it shows through and has a shiny look to it if you use it thickly. Please BEWARE and use it on rough paper first. The white droplets are white gouache that I have flicked with abandon . LOL. Best wishes to you both :)

This is great Sarah and I too like the white lines which are so effective. I have not tried the pens you use and rely on white acrylic ink which I apply either with a pen or more usually with a fine brush.

Thanks Sarah for that information. There might be a rush on these pens now, but I'll try and get one this weekend before they sell out and I'll be careful when first using it :) Michael's white acrylic ink sounds good as well so thanks to him for the tip!

Michael, I'm intrigued re- acrlic ink. I know where I'll be going too this weekend, Louise. I'll be buying acrylic ink in white :) Best wishes

This is really super, Sarah! Love the white lines, and the spatter on the tulips. They really add such vibrancy and life to the painting.

Thank you Seok. The painting was rather dark beforehand and needed lifting a bit :)

Thanks for the info on the white pens Sarah. I managed to buy two at the weekend!

My pleasure Louise :) I haven't managed to get any white , acrylic ink yet :{ but I am going to persevere. Looking forward to how you are going to incorporate the pen into your lovely pictures.

Only just found your gallery Sarah, love this painting and like the writers above am fascinated by the use of the white pen. - Shall definitely have to buy one and give it a shot. Thanks for the info.

Vivienne , thank you for your comment. I think that I have started something with the white pen :) but I do find it very useful indeed .

I really like the colours in this painting - they all work so well together

Thanks Beverley, all feedback is gratefully received :)

very clever :-) and the acrylic ink in a bottle idea and using a dip pen/calligraphy pen is a good idea :-) i may try this at some point. This is another lovely painting :-)

Thank you Rebecca, I find that the white pen is such a good thing to have. It makes a change from the black or brown I usually use :)

Beautiful rich colours, and love the way you have done the vase. And the white lines.

Thank you so much Sandra. Glad that you like it :)

Hang on Studio Wall

I just loved the deep colour of these tulips and had to paint them. Mainly watercolour with a small amount of white pen work . I nearly added gold pen but thought that it might be one step too far.

About the Artist
Sarah Bottjer

I live close to the North Norfolk coast and have painted in many mediums over the years, primarily in watercolours .

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