Montana Hay Shed

Montana Hay Shed

You've done a beautiful job, Stephanie, in capturing a sense of "wildness" in your painting. I like your variation in colour and the wonderful texture of the grass. The fence definitely adds depth.

Thank you Wib for you lovely comments and feedback - being very new to painting it good to hear feedback on what I am doing well

So new to it but so accomplished, smashing piece.

Because you're so new to it, you probably haven't picked up the bad habits that bedevil some of us. This is interesting not least for the fine-strand fence - if you hadn't included that it would have been a very different painting; surprising what a difference such an apparently small thing can make: it pushes the shed back, and gives depth. I think you have a very good teacher.

Hang on Studio Wall

Water Colour and Ink on Arches 300gsm smooth paper.

About the Artist
Stephanie Flynn

Previously never painted, and so I discovered Water Colour painting whilst on a cruise in February 2015, run by the inspiring artist in residence, Georgia Mansur. Signed up for weekly classes at the Kuringhai Art Centre in Sydney, I try to paint several times a…

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