Green Sleeves


Yes you are John, lovely. Hope you are well x

Like this a lot John

Thank you Carole and Heather. Trust you are keeping safe. It’s time for us to think and grasp the deeper meaning of the Rainbow, in quiet contemplation 🌈. Yes I am well Carole and trust you are comfortable too.🌈

Beautifully painted garments and lovely expression John.

Love the drape of the fabric.

Thank you Carole and Linda, appreciated.

A very apt title for this beautiful medieval costume John. The detail in the fabric is superb.

Hang on Studio Wall

Sketchbook A4 gouache painting. Medieval dress. Practicing gouache and gradually improving.

About the Artist
John Graham Inkson

Life From The Easel. As an artist I see my self as an all rounder. Ive worked with all the painting mediums, as well as silk screen printing, ceramics, small sculptures, sign writing, murals, graphic design and digital art. I went to Cardiff University to do graphic design rather than do a fine…

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