The answer to Who Is This.

The answer to Who Is This.

Another lovely portrait. I agree with your comment, John.

Yes, I can see the likeness now John, lovely portrait.

Never seen her properly so don't know what she looks like Kohn, but this is a good sketchy portrait.

Of course..I knew really!

This looks like my non favourite "artist" Una Stubbs. Nice drawing though John

I agree John, I'm not a fan but did see her on tv once, singing with Tony Bennett, she certainly can sing. Quite a lot of the modern stars can sing, it's just the rubbishy songs they have! Don't get me started on rap music!!

Well Mr Inky, what a surprise! Good portrait!

Makes a change for me to get something right! I have to say I prefer Mozart too!!!


Great drawing John! I don't know lady GaGa at all so cannot say anything about likeness but it's a great drawing.

And also John. I am sure it is a good likeness John but I do not have a clue what she really looks like. As you say she is the mistress of disguise. Yes, give me Mozart any time, that is what I call music. Nice one John.

I wouldn't know Lady Ga-Ga from Mata Hari, but this is a characterful portrait anyway.

Thank you all great folks for your feedback. It has been very much appreciated. This drawing is only one of her umpteen disguise.

Hang on Studio Wall

quick Pencil Sketch. Of Lady Ga Ga. The mistress of disguise. You never see what she really looks like. Until she put that selfie up. Keith Phipps go the answer. I very much doubt myself if V Beckham would let herself be seen like that. As for Ga Ga, no I am not a fan. Never listened to what she puts out either. Give me Mozart. Oh hat clarinet concerto is soothing all my troubles away, giving me peace and rest.

About the Artist
John Graham Inkson

Life From The Easel. As an artist I see my self as an all rounder. Ive worked with all the painting mediums, as well as silk screen printing, ceramics, small sculptures, sign writing, murals, graphic design and digital art. I went to Cardiff University to do graphic design rather than do a fine…

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