Starling portrait

Starling portrait

Beautiful sketch John. Lovely detail too. Love the glow in the eye.

Very competent representation John. You have the colours and shades very accurately.

Love the eye and beak, good detail john. The feathers are opalescent (hope that's the right word)

Beautifulsketch, John, lovely colours.

Lovely sketch John lovely bird the starling , it seems to me there's less of them , I hope they don't go the same way as the beautiful house sparrow it would be a same.

excellent work from a master craftsman

Thank you Henry, Michael, and Carole. Your thought are very much appreciated.

Thank you Margaret, and Cesare, your thoughts are appreciated. Dennis, thank you. You can have some of our starlings, masses of them here. David, thank you, but master I am working towards.

Not everyone's favourite bird but they have a special place in my heart. I'm working on a sketch of starlings, hope it turns out as good as this John, it's a beauty.

Thank you Fiona, I will look forward to your starlings.

Wonderful colouring surrounding that beady eye John.

Lovely use of subtle hues that capture the complexity and shine of the starling's plumage, Very nicely done!

Hang on Studio Wall

In the spring Starlings are so very colourful. From my A6 sketchbook.

About the Artist
John Graham Inkson

Life From The Easel. As an artist I see my self as an all rounder. Ive worked with all the painting mediums, as well as silk screen printing, ceramics, small sculptures, sign writing, murals, graphic design and digital art. I went to Cardiff University to do graphic design rather than do a fine…

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