Time to Go

Time to Go

Beautiful John I love the textures you get the trees are great

Lovely light as usual, John.

Yes John, the textures and light are exc.

Lovely light, great texture, excellent painting John.

I agree with above love the patch of sunlight John and the scratch bits!

Would you say that the thumbnail, or this enlarged version, better conveyed what the painting actually looks like? Because I liked the former, compressed and more intense, better than the latter - I like both, but just wondered.... What you've got here, apart from the texture (I like scratching into oil paint too) is a very strong sense of the light on the landscape.

It's a beauty John. Love the light and textures.

Thank you Dennis, Linda, Marjorie, Russell, Carole, Robert, Henry, and Juris. Your comments are very much appreciated.

Robert I thinks it is a matter of when one views a painting like this you need to stand back. When you open it up on the computer screen its right up in ones face. Move back and the painting comes together. In any case a painting in life looks different from viewing it on a computer screen.

A stunning painting, John....love the way you have captured the light, and some beautiful textures.

Beautiful John, yellow is your signature.

Good solid work John, a lovely expressive piece.

Another corker

I like this very much John, lovely work.

The light in this is striking John.

Full of drama and movement. Super work, John.

I am just going too John lol. Live the golden trees and their texture. Wonderful contrasts again.

Hang on Studio Wall

oil on canvas board. palette knife and scratch.

About the Artist
John Graham Inkson

Life From The Easel. As an artist I see my self as an all rounder. Ive worked with all the painting mediums, as well as silk screen printing, ceramics, small sculptures, sign writing, murals, graphic design and digital art. I went to Cardiff University to do graphic design rather than do a fine…

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