Scarborough North Bay

Scarborough North Bay

Cracking abstract if you thought this way Paul. If not it's still a smashing subject and rendition

Well Paul, you had more luck than I did with the Derwent Artbars. This isn't bad at all.

Thank you derek. To be honest adele I bought the artbars thinking they would be better than they actually were. I thought they were a pretty poor product to be honest and crumbled very easily. The artbars after this one and another couple than ended up being destroyed ended up in the bin. I doubt I would every buy these again

No I haven't used them since and they are sitting on my shelf. Can't decide what type of painting can be done with them. Looked at You Tube at the time and wasn't very inspired. Seems they are more for mark making and scratching into which isn't my style.

Hang on Studio Wall

I have dug this one from the archives!! Did this one about two years ago when i was messing around with a tin of derwent artbars

About the Artist
Paul Hardy

Based in tropical Leicester I consider myself to be an amateur artist but see absolutely nothing wrong with this. Born on the same day President Kennedy was shot so I can remember where I was at the time!! I still have a headache!! I detest pretentions and find sadly that there are many with such in…

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