Scooters in Rhodes

Scooters in Rhodes

You've done a terrific job Paul, such a great subject how could you resist.

The scooters are brilliant Paul. The whole scene is looks like there is more meaning behind it: three friends, the dark wall, all in the same orientation..?

Posted by Holger . on Sun 01 May 20:24:20

reflection of light is very good Paul.

Fantastic painting Paul, So much to admire about this.

Good spot of the ideal subject, they don't move and have character all their own. Smashing work.

Stunning piece, the light and textures are beautifully done.

Thank you all for your comments.....much appreciated. The people I was on holiday with thought I was nuts for going round photographing scooters, but I'm glad I did. Pleased you like it. Paul

Love this painting . Great subject.

Love the light!

Thanks again for these latest comments. Kind regards

Hang on Studio Wall

First painting this year. Glad to get the brushes out again. Was on a bus in Rhodes and saw scooters lined up in sun but against a dark wall. I was drawn to the way they stood out in the sun, how they were all parked in the same way and how the wing mirrors sort of zigzagged along the wall. Took a few photos of similar scene when I got back from day out. I'm pleased with it although it's very rushed but I had to get it painted today one way or another. Watercolour on practise paper.

About the Artist
Paul Farnes

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