Friday night out

Friday night out

Gosh Pat, I remember wearing shoes like these!! You've got some lovely movement in the folds of their clothes. Great bit of fun, like it!

Full of character - look like my daughters! A really funny voyeuristic angle brilliantly captured.

Pat - clever composition and unusual concept. Have you thought of developing into a series? Might be some mileage in that. Well done, all the best.

Hi Pat Ros P here, just seen your great comment on my Puleeze throw that ball 1 more time dog pastel portrait, cheers for that, I chose this 2011 watercolour of comments to say thanks on because it caught my eye when looking at your galleries, I love this, it's so unusual and I can't believe you were not inundated with comments on it, but then again maybe not so surprising on this website these days, when a multiple poster can post the usual to many paintings and people ACTUALLY leave GOOD comments on some of those paintings!!! Can you believe it, I go on to tell the mp to take some off only to find 3 or 4 people had been on before me to tell them how good their paintings were!you couldn't make it up could you! What is the point of telling mp's to take work off if others are going to completely ignore how many they posted and great them just like a normal site user! Anyway, I digress,thanks so much for leaving me that great comment xx

Love to see this one squared up onto a large pink/brick toned canvas and see you really going for it with fluid brushes because you have very good voice here deserving of confident development. Thanks for very kind comment. B

Hang on Studio Wall

Painted on Two Rivers paper, not stretched 16 x 12". Painted just for fun, but the legs are a bit mis-shapen!

About the Artist
Pat Thompson

I've been painting almost ten years, initially with watercolours, then moving on to oils and other media. I am self taught, though have attended several short painting courses. I paint as a hobby and also belong to 2 art groups in Yorkshire. I exhibit through them and local galleries. I loveā€¦

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